October Tide - The Cancer Pledge von October Tide - CD (Standard) Bildquelle: EMP.de / October Tide
October Tide - The Cancer Pledge von October Tide - CD (Standard) Bildquelle: EMP.de / October Tide

The Cancer Pledge von October Tide – CD (Standard)

Artist: October Tide
Typ: Musik & Tonaufnahmen

Preis: 11.99 EUR*

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October Tide – The Cancer Pledge – Media – CD – Recent output has seen October Tide tone down on the doom particle, and throw the listener in a colder embrace of a melodic death metal rainstorm. This trend remains consistent on The Cancer Pledge, and overlaps with the direction spearheaded by guitarist Fredrik Norrman (ex-Katatonia, ex-Trees Of Eternity, Thenighttimeproject), keen on rejuvenating October Tide with a touch of the past. It’s a direct continuation of the previous album, states Norrman. Less doom and more death metal, yet melodic and with more layers. I’ve searched for inspiration in records I listened to in the 80’s and 90’s when I grew up. But it still sounds like October Tide. The sound of October Tide, aside from being doom intertwined melodeath, is fronted by emotionally compelling guitarwork, known to subside into melancholic and introspective tones. Even though the band has shapeshifted over the years – starting off as a duo of Katatonia fame musicians, Fredrik Norrman and Jonas Renske, back in 1994 – it has retained and evolved its trademark formula.

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