Medium rarities von Cattle Decapitation – CD (Digipak, Limited Edition)
Artist: Cattle Decapitation
Typ: Musik & Tonaufnahmen
Preis: 9.99 EUR*
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Cattle Decapitation – Medium rarities – Media – CD – Erscheint als limitierte Edition im Digipak. Die Grindcore-Spezialisten von Cattle Decapitation gehen mit Medium rarities an den Start. Nach dem sensationellen ‚The antropocene extinction‘-Album von 2015 beehrt uns die Truppe aus San Diego uns nun mit rarem Material – welches auch Freunden von Kapellen wie Aborted, Dying Fetus oder Anaal Nathrakh begeistern dürfte. Infos zur Tracklist: • * = from the Caninus Split 7” (2006 War Torn Records) • ^ = from the Decapitacion Ep (2000 Prono de Accidente) • $ = Unreleased pre-Human Jerky rehearsal recordings from 1998 featuring Travis Ryan (guitar and vocals), Dave Astor(bass) and Gabe Serbian(drums). • ** = from Requiems of Revulsion: A Tribute To Carcass (2001 Deathvomit Records) • *** = from “Release the Bats: A Tribute to the Birthday Party”(2006 ThreeOneG Records) • ^^ = “Karma.Bloody.Karma” Japanese bonus track. (2006 Metal Blade Records Japan) • ^^^ = “The Harvest Floor” Japanese bonus track. (2009 Metal Blade Records/Howling Bull) • ^^^^ = “Monolith Of Inhumanity bonus track (2012 Metal Blade Records Japan) • ^^^^^ = “The Anthropocene Extinction bonus track (2015 Metal Blade Records) • $$ = Unreleased “To Serve Man” Japanese bonus track. (2002 Metal Blade Records)
Textquelle: EMP
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